Monday, January 31, 2011

Checklist for installing Oracle 11g R2 on AIX 7.1

Checking the Hardware requirements for installing Oracle 11g R2 on AIX 7.1

Memory requirements: Oracle needs at least 4 GB of RAM, and yes we have 24 GB so we are good on that.
isvp17> lsattr -E -l sys0 -a realmem
realmem 25165824 Amount of usable physical memory in Kbytes False

Swap requirements: For 4 GB to 8 GB Memory the swap requirement is 2 times the size of RAM, for 8 GB to 32 GB the requirement is 1.5 times the size of RAM, and if the Memory is more than 32 GB then the swap space required is 32 GB.
isvp17> lsps -a
Page Space      Physical Volume   Volume Group Size %Used Active  Auto  Type Chksum
hd6             hdisk0            rootvg         512MB     3   yes   yes    lv     0
Ok, we not doing good in that front. We'll have to find a way to increase the size of swap from 512MB to
36GB.So let us see how this can be done on AIX 7.1 . There we go, I just added 3
isvp17> lsps -a
Page Space      Physical Volume   Volume Group Size %Used Active  Auto  Type Chksum
paging00        hdisk5            swap         36096MB     1   yes   yes    lv     0
hd6             hdisk0            rootvg         512MB     3   yes   yes    lv     0

Hardware mode: What next, ok we need to know what our hardware is in 32-bit or 64-bit mode.
isvp17> /usr/bin/getconf HARDWARE_BITMODE

/tmp size: Now what, yeah what is the disk space requirement. First off /tmp needs to be at least 1 GB. We are ok
with that.
isvp17> df -m /tmp
Filesystem    MB blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd3        3584.00   3581.39    1%       41     1% /tmp
So what is the space required for the Oracle binaries, and it's datafiles? For Enterprise Edition 7.44 GB (just say 8 GB) is required, and for the data files require 1.55 GB ( you mean 2 GB).

Run Level: Oracle also needs the system run level to be 2. So, how do we find that in AIX
isvp17> who -r
.        run-level 2 Jan 28 11:38       2    0    S

Now that we are done with checking to see if our system meets the hardware requirements for Oracle, let us go ahead and check to see

Service Pack: The OS level needs to be AIX 7.1 with SP 1 or above, with 64-bit kernel. What I currently have is the base AIX 7.1 without the Service Pack, so I downloaded SP2 from
isvp17> oslevel -s

After the installation of the Service Pack(SP2) the oslevel is as follows:
isvp17> oslevel -s

Additional filesets: Next we have to check if the following filesets are installed Hmmm, it looks like one guy is missing. Can we do without him, I don't know.
isvp17> lslpp -l bos.adt.base bos.adt.lib bos.adt.libm bos.perf.perfstat \
> bos.perf.libperfstat bos.perf.proctools
Fileset                      Level  State      Description
Path: /usr/lib/objrepos
bos.adt.base       COMMITTED  Base Application Development
bos.adt.lib        COMMITTED  Base Application Development
bos.perf.libperfstat  COMMITTED  Performance Statistics Library
bos.perf.perfstat  COMMITTED  Performance Statistics
bos.perf.proctools  COMMITTED  Proc Filesystem Tools

Path: /etc/objrepos
bos.adt.base       COMMITTED  Base Application Development
bos.perf.libperfstat  COMMITTED  Performance Statistics Library
bos.perf.perfstat  COMMITTED  Performance Statistics
lslpp: 0504-132  Fileset bos.adt.libm not installed.

Ok, went on to install bos.adt.libm from the original AIX 7.1 base dvd.
isvp17> lslpp -l bos.adt.libm
Fileset                      Level  State      Description
Path: /usr/lib/objrepos
bos.adt.libm       COMMITTED  Base Application Development
Math Library

Once the above is done, go and install SP1 or later service pack. In my case I installed SP2 which I had saved under /usr/sys/inst.images

AIX maintainance packages are available from the following web site:

Kernel mode: Next find if the kernel mode is 64
isvp17> getconf KERNEL_BITMODE

Compiler: There are some compiler requirements for installing Oracle. I installed the The minimum recommended runtime environment:
IBM XL C/C++ for AIX, V10.1 Runtime Environment

UDP and TCP Kernel Parameters:
Use NDD to ensure that the kernel TCP/IP ephemeral port range parameters are set to 9000-65500.

Let me check to see what my current values are:
isvp17> /usr/sbin/no -a | fgrep ephemeral
tcp_ephemeral_high = 65535
tcp_ephemeral_low = 32768
udp_ephemeral_high = 65535
udp_ephemeral_low = 32768
Ok, I need this to bumped.
isvp17> /usr/sbin/no -o tcp_ephemeral_low=9000 -o tcp_ephemeral_high=65500
Setting tcp_ephemeral_low to 9000
Setting tcp_ephemeral_high to 65500
isvp17> /usr/sbin/no -o udp_ephemeral_low=9000 -o udp_ephemeral_high=65500
Setting udp_ephemeral_low to 9000
Setting udp_ephemeral_high to 65500
The options you set with no must be done each time the system starts up. One way to do that is to edit /etc/rc.tcpip and insert your no commands just before the script starts running the server daemons.

Enable core file creation:
isvp17> ulimit -a
time(seconds)        unlimited
file(blocks)         2097151
data(kbytes)         131072
stack(kbytes)        32768
memory(kbytes)       32768
coredump(blocks)     2097151
nofiles(descriptors) 2000
threads(per process) unlimited
processes(per user)  unlimited
isvp17> ulimit -c unlimited  #turn on corefiles with unlimited size
isvp17> ulimit -n unlimited  #allows an unlimited number of open file descriptors
isvp17> ulimit -d unlimited  #sets the user data limit to unlimited
isvp17> ulimit -f unlimited  #sets the file limit to unlimited
isvp17> ulimit -a
time(seconds)        unlimited
file(blocks)         unlimited
data(kbytes)         unlimited
stack(kbytes)        32768
memory(kbytes)       32768
coredump(blocks)     unlimited
nofiles(descriptors) unlimited
threads(per process) unlimited
processes(per user)  unlimited
These values are the "soft" limit, and are applied for each user. These values cannot exceed the "hard" limit value. To display and change the hard limits, you can run the ulimit commands using the additional -H command-line option.

Creating users and groups:
isvp17> mkgroup -'A' id='1000' adms='root' oinstall
isvp17> mkgroup -'A' id='2000' adms='root' dba
isvp17> mkgroup -'A' id='4000' adms='root' oper
isvp17> mkuser id='1101' pgrp='oinstall' groups='dba,oper' home='/home/oracle' oracle                        
Create ORACLE_HOME: Create a directory (ORACLE_HOME), for the Oracle Database software.
isvp17> mkdir –p /u01/app/112/dbhome
isvp17> chown –R oracle:oinstall /u01/app/112/dbhome
Run script: run the script as user root.
# cd /home/oracle/database
# ls
doc           response    runInstaller  stage
install       rootpre       rpm           sshsetup      welcome.html
# ./
./ output will be logged in /tmp/rootpre.out_11-02-01.10:21:55
Saving the original files in /etc/ora_save_11-02-01.10:21:55....
Copying new kernel extension to /etc....
Loading the kernel extension from /etc

 Oracle Kernel Extension Loader for AIX
       Copyright (c) 1998,1999 Oracle Corporation

 Successfully loaded /etc/pw-syscall.64bit_kernel with kmid: 0x50a96000
 Successfully configured /etc/pw-syscall.64bit_kernel with kmid: 0x50a96000
The kernel extension was successfuly loaded.

Checking if group services should be configured....
Nothing to configure.

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