Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Oracle 11g R2 installation fails with 'Error in invoking target' message on AIX 7.1

I was installing Oracle database 11g R2 on a Power system running AIX 7.1 using runInstaller when I got the following error message during the linking of the binaries.

The exact error message was:
"Error in invoking target 'agent nmb nmo nmhs' of makefile '/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/sysman/lib/ins_emagent.mk'. See '/u01/app/oraInventory/logs/installActions2011-02-01_02-56-05PM.log' for details"

The log file had the following message:
isvp17> ls

isvp17> grep Segmentation *.log
ld: 0706-010 The binder was killed by a signal: Segmentation fault
        Check for binder messages or use local problem reporting procedures.

It looks like the AIX bug  "IZ89165" , which was originated from AIX 6.1 bug "IZ88711".

Though the bug had been identified with AIX6.1 TL06. It looks like the same issue can be seen AIX7.1 too.

isvp17> cd /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/sysman/lib/
isvp17> grep blazy *.*
env_emagent.mk:LIB_JVM_LINK = -L$(JRE_LIB_DIR)/classic -L$(JRE_LIB_DIR) -blazy -ljava -ljvm

Backup the original file:
isvp17> cp env_emagent.mk env_emagent.mk.orig

isvp17> vi env_emagent.mk 
<delete -blazy> from the above line. 

Next, go back and press the Retry button twice(don't ask me why :-) in the GUI to continue with the installation.

1 comment:

Mayur said...

I'm glad the post helped. Thanks for leaving a comment.