Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Installing Oracle 11g R2 on AIX 7.1

On AIX 7.1 as root execute the script which part of the Oracle zip files that you downloaded from the Oracle site. eg.

$ pwd
$ ls
doc           response    runInstaller  stage
install       rootpre       rpm           sshsetup      welcome.html

Next as user oracle run runInstaller to start the installation of Oracle binaries using the GUI

$ ./runInstaller

Your platform requires the root user to perform certain pre-installation
OS preparation.  The root user should run the shell script '' before
you proceed with Oracle installation. can be found at the top level
of the CD or the stage area.

Answer 'y' if root has run '' so you can proceed with Oracle
Answer 'n' to abort installation and then ask root to run ''.


Has '' been run by root? [y/n] (n)

Next you'll get the below message even if you have met all the pre-reqs as per the Oracle docs.  I was told that this a know issue, so say Yes to it, and continue.

 Check the posting for the getting around the below error message.

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